Monday, November 1, 2010

To Be Thankful

So today I start my 30 days of what I am thankful for................

Nov. 1: I am thankful for my beautiful babies they are my greatest accomplishment in life (Ray has Hannah's Halloween pic, I'll get him to upload it tonight)

Nov. 2 : Today I am thankful for our right to choose! We are blessed to live in a democracy and If we want true "change" we must do our part to get out there and make it count.

Nov.3: I am thankful for fellowship with good friends, there is something very special about sitting down at a table spending time with together.

Nov. 4: Today I thank God for his amazing creation of life. Seeing my super tiny niece and nephew today I am reminded of his amazing power, his grace and how amazing our God really is!

Nov. 5: Today I am thankful for my job. I am so very thankful that they realize that my family comes first and had no problem letting me take a REALLY LONG lunch so I could have Thanksgiving with Cooper at her school. It means the world to me not to miss those "moments" in her life. I am blessed to work with amazing people and an amazing hospital!

Nov. 6: I am thankful for my family, today we had a somewhat impromptu get together at my grandparents for lunch. As I looked around the room I realized how amazing it is to be able to share that time together. Also for those of you that were there today I am so very thankful for the joy that a little fluffy dog brings to my Riley Grace! I have never seen a girl so happy, just glad Bear dog is still faster than her!!!

Nov. 7: Thankful for a fairly smooth time change transition. Although the ladies of the house arose at 5!!!! Time change is not child friendly I tell you, but after a few (4) cups of coffee we were fairly productive. I enjoyed snuggling and playing with the girls. And I am very thankful that it looks like Mike is ok! Thank goodness for the bye week!

Nov.8: I am thankful for the sound of laughter! It melts my heart to hear my girls giggle!

Nov. 9: Thankful for my husband who made all of Riley's baby food, dinner  and cleaned up! I know it is a rarity to have a husband who does things like that!

Nov. 10: Thankful for my sweet sweet friends at work. They decorated my office and got a cookie cake for my last day! I am REALLY going to miss being with them everyday.

Nov.11: Thankful for coming home after a rough day. Time to relax and rejuvenate!!!

Nov.12: I am thankful for technology. While it does have it's bad points tonight I got to watch a Gateway church women's conference online! Yes sitting on my living room floor with baby toys and school papers all over I got to take a minute to fill my cup that is so very empty.

Nov. 13: Today I am thankful for my sweet husband. Today is his birthday and I am so very thankful he is in this world. Even when times are tough I know he is my soul mate and I couldn't live without him.

Nov. 14: Thankful for my husbands work family. We spent most of the evening with them and love everyone of them. Being a wife of someone in law enforcement it is a good thing to be with people who understand getting left in restaurants alone, one conversation taking several days to get through, and many more strange occurrences!

Nov.15th: Even know this job is totally and I mean TOTALLY stressing my out I am so happy to have a job to go to everyday!

Nov. 16th: Today I am thankful for Tanner Cook, today he showed me that my "problems" are not so bad and sometimes things really do happen for a reason even if you have to go to hell and back to find out what the reason was. And that God is in control and I am second

Nov.17th: I am thankful for all the support and love I have gotten from my friends and co-workers. This transition has been way harder than I thought it would be. I truly appreciate all the comments, cards and messages from everyone!

Nov.18th: Today I am thankful for my dad! He taught me how to change a tire, check my oil, take care of my bank accounts, and how to work hard. There are hundreds of more things but he really "prepared" me for life and for that I am so very grateful! Happy Birthday Dad!

Nov.19th: I am grateful for the brotherhood of law enforcement. Today a Trooper was laid to rest and hundreds if not thousands came to the funeral from all over the US. What an amazing thing!!!! While his wife and baby girl are living my worst nightmare I guess there is some peace in knowing how much support she has. I am thankful that my husband does all he can to be safe and come home to us every day.

Nov. 20th: I am thankful our besties Chris and Liz! They bring so much joy into our lives and so does their sweet baby boy Cason!

Nov. 21st: Thankful for our day at home, nothing to do, no where to be...........So AWESOME!

Nov. 22nd: Didn't realize I had gotten so behind! I am thankful that Cooper is doing better in school, we have gotten 4 greens in a row!!!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me.

Nov. 23rd: I was so very thankful for a smooth day at work, I think I'm finally starting to get this down and I feel so much better and less stressed! Thank you to Janet and Angelena for helping me out.

Nov. 24th: So happy I got to leave work a little early to run errands. Also, we got to decorate the Christmas tree last night! I love doing that all the memories that come up when I unwrap an ornament makes me so happy!

Nov.25th Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!! So much for all of us to be thankful for we are in warm cozy homes and have a plethora of food. We should remembers those that don't today and do what we can to help!

Nov. 26th I am so happy to be at home with my kiddos although trying to be quiet while daddy is sleeping is VERY CHALLENGING!

Nov. 27th Thanksgiving #2 with the fam I am so very blessed to have all of them, it was an awesome day/night hanging out with everyone especially by brother and his wife from Austin were here and we got to spend LOTS of time together

Nov. 28th Can't believe this month is close to an end doing this Thankfulness blog has been a bit cathartic I really have so much to be thankful for I am so very very blessed

Nov. 29th Today I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. It can all be taken away in a moment and we really should cherish and make the most of every moment we have because we never know if it will be the last.

Nov.30th Well today is the last day. So many people posted this as the first thing they were thankful for and while it is number one I left it for last because, none of the things listed above would not be possible with out the undying love of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for all you have given and even taken you are who I am most thankful for!

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