Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What am I thankful for???

My wife is so much better at this blog thing than I am.  Yes, I am thankful for many things.  I am thankful for my God and the ability to freely worship him.  I am thankful for my family, who are too many to name here.  My wife, and all of my daughters, mean the world to me.  I am thankful for the fantastic career I am fortunate to have (catching crooks is a wonderful thing).

With that said...I am thankful for a few more things.  Two words, Chicken Spaghetti.  It is a wonderful thing to enjoy this cheesy chicken and pasta goodness, especially the chicken spaghetti my wife makes from her grandmother's recipe.  Football.  I love the fall not because of the weather or that recently passed holiday where parents have their children dress up to go out and beg, but because of football.  Wait while I wipe away the tear...

Oooohhhhhhhhh, and let me not forget...a venti Starbucks no foam Vanilla Latte.  That sweet nectar is as addictive as crack man.  You other Starbucks regulars know what I mean.  There have been times I sneaked over to Starbucks on Milwaukee in Lubbock to smuggle in the caffeinated beverage.  Shh, don't tell Ashley because she will be on to my habit.  Gotta love it...

Seriously, I truly am thankful for many things.  I have a wonderful family, immediate and extended, and amazing friends.  Thank you, love you, and good night.      

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