Thursday, May 3, 2012 don't want turkey?

Every morning  for nearly the last year our days start the same.  Before sunrise one of our children wakes up and decides no one should be forced to sleep until the sun comes up.  So Riley figures since she is up we need to be up, too.   Who needs an alarm when Riley makes sure we never sleep in? 

Sometimes Riley will want to lay back down for several minutes and cuddle with whichever parent did not get her from the crib.  Other times, she becomes vocal that she is starving and in need of sustenance in a hurry since she hasn't eaten in about ten hours and apparently withering away into nothingness.  Riley does not simply say "eat."  Instead, Riley unleashes a loud "MEAT" in the hope that I will spring from my comfortable sleeping spot to retrieve food due not only to her starvation,  but also due to the fact she thinks the household revolves around her.  Actually, I guess it sort of does.

At first I thought that she just could not say "eat."  No, she can say it.  I realized that she is such a genius, she is shortening several words and saving herself a fraction of a millisecond by combining "Me eat."  Wow, how cool.

As I say, the child knows when she is hungry and is not shy about letting us know.  It is obvious when she starts to throw a fit by stomping on the floor, jumping up and down in a circle, and flailing and throwing her arms in the air while yelling, "MEAT, MEAT, MEAT, MEAT..."  The first time she did that I strolled to the refrigerator and rolled up a slice of turkey.  How silly of me.  Of course that did not work and only made matters worse.  

Anyway, the points I make before I go to bed are these:  Riley hates sleep and feels we should too.  And, when Riley is yelling "MEAT," she does want food but is not asking for a burger.


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